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Can You Wear Acrylic Nails As A Cna

Artificial Nails in the Healthcare Industry: CDC Guidelines and Employer Policies


For healthcare professionals, maintaining a clean and professional appearance is essential to prevent the spread of infection and ensure patient safety. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has established specific guidelines regarding personal hygiene, including the use of artificial nails.

CDC Guidelines

According to the CDC, healthcare personnel should not wear artificial nails. This recommendation is based on the concern that artificial nails can harbor bacteria and other microorganisms, which can potentially spread infections to patients. The CDC also recommends that healthcare workers keep their natural nails short and clean, as long nails can also increase the risk of infection.

Employer Policies

Many healthcare employers have implemented policies that prohibit the use of artificial nails in the workplace. These policies are typically based on the CDC guidelines and are intended to protect both patients and healthcare workers from potential infections.

Employer Rationale

Employers cite several reasons for prohibiting artificial nails in the healthcare setting: * Infection Control: Artificial nails can trap bacteria and microorganisms, which can be transferred to patients during care. * Patient Safety: Long or artificial nails can scratch or puncture patients' skin, increasing the risk of infection. * Professionalism: Artificial nails can be considered unprofessional or distracting in a healthcare setting. * Interference with Work: Artificial nails can interfere with the ability to perform certain tasks, such as donning gloves or using medical equipment.


There may be some exceptions to the no-artificial-nails policy in healthcare settings. For example, some healthcare providers may be allowed to wear artificial nails if they are used for medical purposes, such as to cover a damaged nail or to protect a finger from injury.


The CDC guidelines and employer policies regarding artificial nails in the healthcare industry are based on the principle of protecting patients and healthcare workers from infection. While artificial nails may be considered fashionable or convenient, they can pose significant risks in the healthcare setting. Healthcare professionals should adhere to these guidelines and policies to ensure a safe and professional work environment.
